Moved to Wordpress

This blog has moved to Wordpress. GOTO the new blog now.

There will be no new updates here. Most of the posts have also been expanded.

My Code

This page is for my projects both in-progress and completed.

Pointless Programming Reference
The Pointless Programming Reference is a programming language reference document that expresses programming concepts and their implementation in a number of languages.

It currently hosts 4 languages (Python, Chicken Scheme, Javascript and C) and features over 1,100 solutions to 400 common tasks in those languages.

The tasks are broken into categories, such as Strings, Lists and Functions. Currently there are 4 languages to choose from Chicken Scheme, Python, Javascript and C, and there are over 1,100 solutions.

Go there now and check it out!

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**           Version 0.01             **
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** Use ctrl-c to exit                 **

Lispy is a very simple Scheme-like interpreter with support for Python-like comprehensions and polymorphic basic procedures.  The main goal of Lispy is to provide a simple implementation that illustrates the concepts behind programming language constructs without focusing at all on efficiency or error handling.

Lispy is not RnRS compatible and it never will be.  Though it takes a lot from Scheme it also mixes in features from other languages that make it incompatible.  Lispy is garbage collected and should be relatively stable, provided you input correct code.

Lispy comes with a test suite that can be used as a reference and is also featured in the Pointless Programming Reference.

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pyTrade is a stock charting program and portfolio management tool.

pyTrade provides a "Paper Trading Mode" to allow you to learn how to trade or
test new strategies.  The paper trading mode sends you back in time and lets
you buy or sell stocks.

pyTrade is currently pre-alpha software so expect bugs and changes.

Screenshots here.